Sara Titus: Profile

Sara Titus: Profile





Sara Titus

My Story

I was an MK (Missionary Kid), TCK, whatever you want to call it, myself. My parents were missionaries in Colombia, South America. So, not only was my home Christian, but it also had a strong missionary emphasis. I remember at age 12 deciding that I would one day be a missionary myself.

God got a hold of my heart in college, and woke me up to the lost-ness of people. He gave me a real love for people who do not know Him. I realized that I didn’t really know how to talk to non-Christians, how to really listen to them, love them, and be transparent with them. InterVarsity Christian Fellowhship played a big role in all that.

I also met Matthew at college (WIU) and we got married the year that we graduated. We wanted to work for a couple of years (I taught Spanish at Monmouth College, he worked for Enterprise Rent-a-Car), and then we applied with TEAM. We told them we’d go anywhere for six months to a year.


We ended up in the Czech (ask us about that story sometime!) for a year. During that year, we felt God confirming that He wanted us to return to the Czech as long-term missionaries. That was back in 2004. Then we spent 8 years back in the States doing more schooling, raising support, having 4 kids, etc. (Why did it take us 8 years? Another story we’d love to tell you sometime.)

Because of God’s faithfulness, we are now back in the Czech, and will spend the next two years concentrating on learning Czech and seeking where God wants us to serve after our time of language.



Married to Matthew Titus. Our awesome kids are Izabela, Samuel, Lucie, and Evangeline.

Ministry Focus:

First, two years of language and culture learning. Then, our goal is to partner with Czech believers to form reproducing communities of people who follow Jesus as King.

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