HANDOUTS/WORKSHEETS for December 15, 2013

The last two weeks we have seen how Joseph has stepped up to the plate and fulfilled his calling through faith and obedience.

Now it’s Mary’s turn as she has an angel appear and tell her that God is going to get her pregnant, and that the child will be the Son of God. Fear, bewilderment, awe, confusion, amazement … All that and more.

But Mary “shows up” for her big moment. You have heard that expression possible used for an athlete who excels in the big game. The sports announcers might say something like “he showed up big-time.” Or if he flounders in the big moment, they may say that he was a “no show.”

But not Mary. She believes God and his angel messengers and obediently receives her calling. She shows up “big time” as she exalts in the blessing God has brought to her. She even composes a song and sings about what God has done.

And we know “the rest of the Story.”

Message Title: The First Coming of Christ – Mary Exults in Her Calling!
Message Text: Luke 1:26-56


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