AUDIO for Sunday AM – PALM SUNDAY- April 9, 2017

We all have our expectations in life.

    • Everyone. You. Me. Everybody. And these expectations dictate the course of our lives, how we live, how we understand God, how we interpret our world. The real question is not whether or not we have expectations, but on what or on whom do we base our expectations. That is the game changer. One way brings salvation and the blessing of God. And every other way brings destruction and the judgment of God.
    • This morning we are going to look primarily at a group of people who followed Jesus Christ and longed for the kingdom of God. As they followed Jesus around the countryside of ancient Israel, they observed his saving, transforming work in the life of a no-good tax collector, they heard him state the intent and purpose of his ministry and they celebrated with Him as he rode triumphantly into Jerusalem in fulfillment of OT prophecy.
    • And when he spoke … these people hung on his every word.
    • And yet … after all of that … within a week … just days from the victory celebration of his grand entrance into Jerusalem, they were screaming, “Crucify him, crucify him.”
    • What? What ever could have happened during that week that caused such a sudden and dramatic shift in their attitude?
    • Unmet expectations. Unfulfilled dreams. Jesus had let them down. At some point along the way the light bulb had come on, and it occurred to them that this man was not working their plan for the kingdom of God. He had his own agenda. 
    • They had supported him and given their “amen” to everything he said and did as long as they thought it fit into their plans. But this man was no Messiah. Not in their eyes. So they joined the angry crowd, “Crucify him, crucify him.”
    • This morning we will observe two religious groups: A loud, demanding group who followed Christ for their own selfish purposes. And another group who we hardly notice as they quietly, obediently went about their Lord’s business.


    • An expectation is a strong belief that something will happen or be the case in the future; a belief that someone will or should achieve something; a belief that something should happen in a particular way, or that someone or something should have particular qualities or behavior; believing that something is going to happen or believing that something should be a certain way.


Great Expectations – PALM SUNDAY – Luke 19


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