STUDY SHEETS for Sunday – February 12, 2017

What is ultimate reality? Can we have an accurate view of reality if we only take into account the here and now?

Many people, even it seems many professing Christians, are disturbed to hear about the coming doom that Revelation prophecies. Why is that? Why would we want a view of life that does not take into account eternity? Because most people live in a world of pretend.

Ultimate reality is a view of this world and the next from the pages of God’s holy word, the Bible. The wrath of God being poured out as he ends Earth history is not a pleasant picture, but it is accurate and it is necessary for us to live in a way that honors him.

The Bible … believe it or don’t believe it, but each of us will give an account.

REVELATION MESSAGE 16 – Doom Is on Its Way
Revelation 8

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