AUDIO for Sunday – December 4, 2016


REVELATION MESSAGE 9: Philadelphia–The Church of the Open Door
Revelation 3:7-13

What service or duty or work might God ask of a little church?

  • What are his expectations? I mean, if you think about it, how could a church small in size, with limited resources and little influence do anything meaningful in the cause of Jesus Christ?
  • Let’s not kid ourselves. Let’s face reality. No idealistic silliness or fanciful speculations. No human boasting and wishful thinking. Let’s talk about life in the real world, the bottom line, what matters.
  • But as we do this we shouldn’t  stop at only what we can perceive or understand on our own as mere humans. Why stop there when we all know that reality extends far beyond this world? So let’s not limit ourselves or restrict ourselves to our human theories and notions.
  • What if we had someone who could speak ultimate reality to us? What if this morning, right now, we could hear from Someone who is the very essence of ultimate reality of both this world and the next?

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