STUDY SHEETS for Sunday – November 27, 2017


They had the gospel wrong.
No other reason Christ would say they were dead.

The church at Sardis was dead because they had the gospel wrong. Why would I say this? Because the gospel is the only thing that makes dead people alive. If your gospel does not make you alive, then your gospel is false. You still have a gospel, just not the one that saves and makes you alive.

  • The life of a church is not determined by activity, size, location, demographics, denomination, programs or worship style. There is one deciding factor—the gospel. Dead or alive? Works or grace? If the church has the gospel wrong, then the church is dead.

— 2 Choices 1 Gospel —

Choice #1: Grace
Choice #2: Works

Which Gospel?
Grace or Works | Life or Death | Heaven or Hell

  • Works are works, whether one work such as water baptism or many works, it’s all the same, an aberration from the gospel, a deviation from grace, whether Hinduism, Humanism, Buddhism, Catholicism, Protestantism.
  • When a person filters the teaching of Scripture through the natural mind, he or she will always choose works over grace … because grace comes from the mind of God and the concept of works comes from the mind of fallen humans.
  • (Ephesians 2:8–9 ESV) For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast.

REVELATION MESSAGE 8 – Sardis: The Alive but Dead Church!

Revelation 3:1-6


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