Audio for Sunday – June 5, 2016

question mark giant men tethers

Is it possible to overstate something? To exaggerate its importance or significance?

    • For instance a person might overstate the significance of an upcoming event. Or overstate the value or importance of a controversial issue. They may exaggerate the fiscal value of a professional sports team to a city. Or the necessity of raising real estate taxes to finance a government program. Or the importance of every child attending summer school.
    • I am asking, generally speaking, is it possible for us to overstate something and exaggerate its significance to our lives?
    • I think that our answer would be, yes, it is very possible, and, yes, it happens often.
    • But I believe this morning that we have an event of which I don’t think that I can overstate its significance. In fact the event I speak of is cataclysmic, of which nothing matches in significance except the creation of this world, the coming of the Son of God to this Earth and the events that will end this world.
    • A cataclysm is a large-scale and violent event in the natural world; a sudden, violent upheaval, especially in a political or social context; a momentous and violent event marked by overwhelming upheaval and demolition; a catastrophe or a large-scale event that causes change or upheaval … apocalypse, mass destruction, Armageddon, annihilation, decimation, devastation, end of the world, holocaust are all words associated with cataclysm.
    • This morning we will look at the cataclysm of the fall of humankind. Adam and Eve rebelled against their Maker, disobeyed his words and chose a life direction in opposition to God that brought about global devastation and death.
    • As we enter the discussion this morning, we are going to direct our attention to the last question that God asks in Genesis three: “What is this that you have done?”


Message Title: What Is This That You Have Done?

Message Text: Genesis 3




Message Title: This Is Your God!

Message Text: 2 Samuel 22

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