STUDY SHEETS for January 3, 2015

happiness under construction

Happiness means war. At least war with you if you get in my way.

James breaks down the source of our fighting and quarreling, and it is so simple but so profound. I believe we could accurately (biblically) state that the cause of war is happiness. Of course, not happiness or joy as God would give, but a skewed concept of happiness from our darkened understanding. Our “if only things were this way” scenario, and then we would be happy. But we wouldn’t. Doesn’t work that way.

The quest for Joy and pleasure is elusive for so many people because they are “lookin’ for [happiness] in all the wrong places.”

  • (Psalm 16:11 ESV) You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.

Even with many professing believers in Jesus. So let’s ask ourselves, Do really we believe these things? Our happiness does not come from friendship with this world, and, yet, many of us seek our happiness right here in the things of this earth.

Message Title: Fighting, Quarreling & the Pursuit of Happiness!

Message Text: James 4:1-7


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