Message MP3 for Sunday February 8, 2015

truth I am speaking in Christ table how

Hello All,

*EDITOR’S NOTE: We had extra things going this past Sunday, so this message became the introduction to Romans 9-11.

The gospel of God …

The gospel of God begins all the way back in Genesis, when after the sin of Adam and Eve, God speaks to the serpent of the coming war between the offspring of the serpent and the offspring of the Son of God.

In this gospel story throughout the history of this world, the nation of Israel was given a very special place. God’s chosen people. Unique among the nations and tremendously blessed.

But somewhere along the way, they lost the truth of God’s message. The truth of God had escaped them. But how? Why? They quit listening to God.

They would vehemently protest, but this is exactly what they did. They listened to themselves so much that they thought it was God talking.

Paul states in Romans 9:1: “Truth I am speaking in Christ.”

How did he do that? How do we?

MP3: Truth I Speak in Christ : Romans 9:1 : FFC : dave scott 020815

BONUS STUDY SHEET (Gospel of God HISTORICAL OVERVIEW): PDF OVERVIEW gospel seed promise Israel 020815

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