Update from Matthew Titus on aid to Ukrainian refugees

More specifics on how funds are currently being used

Update #1 March 12, 2022

We can’t thank you enough for all your generous support. As I was buying 7 shopping carts/truck worth of items and furniture from IKEA yesterday, the cashiers asked me about what all of this was for. We got to talking and they were so glad that this project was happening, a few of them started helping me load all the carts and check-out (that never happens here.) As we continued to talk about how hard this all must be on the Ukrainian families, one cashier broke down crying, then the other one did, and then I did too. By the end, we were hugging each other and looking forward to seeing each other next week when I need to buy furnishings for the other apartments.

We have “adopted” an entire apartment building that was mostly vacant and in need of minor repairs.  These 11 apartments will all be for Ukrainian families to live in. As soon as we have apartments ready, families can move in. YOUR funds are helping to make these repairs, buy furniture and furnishings, and help provide a place for these families. We want to try and make it nice and comfortable for them in the midst of everything horrible going on in their lives. If we can do that just a little, it’s worth it.

If we have enough funds after this building is done, we will look for another one.

Funds are also currently going towards helping support temporary housing facilities for refugees in Moravia and Poland. We are partnering with Josiah Venture at these locations where hundreds (at each location) of refugees keep arriving. These facilities are meant for temporary housing until they can find somewhere else more permanent (like the apartments we are getting ready.)

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