Monthly Archives: April 2014

HANDOUTS for Sunday April 6, 2014 for FFC …

no panic button in heaven man running chicken afraid

Good Morning to All!

It is April. Yay! We had quite a rain on the prairies of western Illinois last night. Very fresh and springy this morning. Grass is getting green. Again … Yay!

We finish our Ezra study this Sunday, and I have to say that I have been very blessed, and God, as he does, has been over-the-top in his grace and wisdom through the last several weeks.

Lessons in Ezra:
God is God. People are people. People do really stupid and sinful things. God is full of grace and there is always hope. God will move heaven and earth, kings and kingdoms for his people if we will bow before him and make things right. We need each other. We must have strong leadership. We must all have a strong, faithful sense of mission and purpose as directed by God. God tells us who we are; no one else. We are who God says we are. We must move in faith toward the vision that God has for us that he sets out in his holy book, the Bible.

More lessons in Ezra:
One king, many pawns. There is no panic button in heaven no matter who is the president of the U.S. or Russia or the prime minister of the UK or the dictator of North Korea. God should be our main media outlet. If our news source cultivates fear and despair, then we are listening in the wrong place, whether it is labeled Christian or not. God is God. God is full of grace. God is there, always has been and always will be. Same God as in Ezra’s time rules the universe today.

Did I happen to mention that “God is God!”?


Here are this week’s handouts.

Message Title: Yet There Is Hope!

Message Text: Ezra 9 & 10


FFC bulletin for April 6, 2014

Hello to All!

It is April and that is wonderful. I am looking forward with great anticipation to celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ this year with you. I am hoping that God bowls us over in awe and appreciation of what Christ accomplished at Calvary.

Here is this week’s bulletin. This is our last study in Ezra, and I will be a little sorry to leave this powerful book of Scripture but am looking forward to our Romans study beginning on June 1.