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Happy 104th Birthday to Eleanor White!

Eleanor White will be 104 years of age on August 2, 2022.

When Eleanor’s son Gerald visited Eleanor on Sunday, July 17, she was singing the 23rd Psalm. He had heard her recite it many times before but had never heard her sing it.
When she finished, she asked, “What else do you want me to sing?” She told him her mother taught her “to sing songs like that” when she was first big enough to sing. 

So who would have thought … 🙂

Don’t you wonder if her mother even had a clue that she would be singing Scripture when she was 104 years to her son when he is 80 years?!
Praise God from whom all blessings flow. Praise him all creatures here below. Praise him above ye heavenly host. Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Amen.
Please send cards to Eleanor White, Bickford of Macomb, 1600 Maple Avenue, Macomb, IL 61455.

PART ONE – The First Two Days of the Rest of Job’s Life – Job 1 – STUDY SHEETS – July 17, 2022

In consideration of the world we live in and the particular trials before us as a church fellowship, we are taking a two or three week detour into the book of Job and seeking from God strength and courage for our souls that we may rejoice at the various trials we are facing on the race set before us as he instructs us to do.
We will eventually wind our way back to our very rewarding Ecclesiastes study.

The First Two Days of the Rest of Job’s Life
Job 1
Dave Scott

Bulletin for Sunday – July 17, 2022

Hello All,
I am so happy that we will be able to have church this Sunday even though we will have many out with Covid and Covid avoidance. I do not think that I only speak for myself when I say that my appreciation to worship corporately has grown tremendously. Thank you, Almighty God. Here is this week’s bulletin.
Even so, Lord Jesus, come. Yes, how we eagerly wait for you.
Pastor Dave

Schedule of services for Faith Fellowship Church for July 17, 2022

Schedule of services for Faith Fellowship Church for July 17, 2022

Hi Everyone,

The good news is that we are going to have church this coming Sunday morning – July 17, 2022. We will not have prayer meeting on July 13 and we will not have evening service on July 17. We would also ask everyone to wear a mask coming into the church and to distance ourselves from one another when we are seated. We will probably have a small group so this should not be a problem.

Please keep praying for those who have tested positive for Covid. That list is Randy and Carol Pittman, Randy Coplan, John Turke, Donna Lantz and Kerry Scott. There are also others dealing with various bugs that are going around; thankfully not all Covid.

I will be preaching from Job 1 this Sunday morning. I believe this will be a blessing to us as we face the trials and challenges of the “new” world in which we live. And in this “new” world we must seek more than ever the wisdom of Scripture. For instance, if we are not paying close attention to the biblical instruction on meeting trials, then we might believe that these trials will shake us up, upend us, throw us off course. But James tells us something very different.

  • (James 1:2–3 ESV) Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, 3 for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness.

We are to count it all joy when we meet trials so that when our faith is tested it produces steadfastness. We certainly need steadfastness in this day and age in our lives, and we need to “be steadfast” for those around us. So let’s make sure we are asking God and believing God for wisdom to live by, to guide our course, to face our trials with joy and to become more and more steadfast in a world that is driven and tossed by the winds of change.

  • (James 1:5–8 ESV) If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him. 6 But let him ask in faith, with no doubting, for the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea that is driven and tossed by the wind. 7 For that person must not suppose that he will receive anything from the Lord; 8 he is a double-minded man, unstable in all his ways.

Facing our trials with joy we become anchors, ministers of the grace of God and beacons of hope for the people around us who doubt and are driven and tossed by the winds of change. What a great opportunity we have to bring praise, glory and honor to our Lord as we trust him during this difficult time.

So let’s seek and live by God’s wisdom and watch as he makes us strong and courageous, and we will be strength and courage to those around us.

In the Love of Jesus Son of God,
Pastor Dave 

PS If you are not able to attend church and are not on our regular DVD list, and if you want a DVD, then please let me know, and I will either mail or deliver a DVD to you. Lord willing, the Sunday morning worship service will be posted as normal on our YouTube channel sometime later on Sunday afternoon.

No services at Faith Fellowship Church on July 10, 2022

Hi Everyone,

Due to a few in the congregation who have tested positive for Covid we think it best to cancel church services for this coming Sunday – July 10, 2022 – and look to resume normal services on July 17, 2022. I know this is disappointing but it seems better to take the extra measure of precaution. Thanks for understanding and please keep praying for Donna Lantz, John Turke and Kerry. Also, Randy and Kelley are hopefully on their way home from St. Louis this evening. Kerry is doing much better. Today seems to be her “bounce back” day.


Pastor Dave